Back about two months ago I and my friend Noe who works for me was riding home after work. I asked Noe what his plans were for the rest of the day and told him I was going Ginseng huntin. Him being from Mexico he definitely was not familiar with this and asked what Ginseng was. Wrong question to ask someone like me… I began telling Noe the prices the Chinese pay for Ginseng, where and how it grows and even give him a little history lesson of how Daniel Boone made his fortune with it. I reckon my enthusiasm was a lil contagious so he said he would like to go with me to see this plant. I told him that was no problem if he had the time and didn’t care to do a little walkin. Noe called his wife and told her he would be a little late as turned onto the hollow road that leads to my family farm. We arrived and I pulled my digger out of the toolbox, sprayed myself down with Off, handed him some to spray and we headed out. Now I wasn’t born yesterday so I made sure to steer waaay clear of my honey holes so I led him towards an area I thought might have a little around. Ol Noe is a very small fella with really short legs and was havin a time keeping up but after about an hours walk and a few rest stops I spotted some in a little grove of Poplars. Noe watched as I dug the two three prongs out from the dirt. I explained to him as I was digging how to be careful and not to damage it, how to replant the berries and also to leave all the smaller ones for later years. I explained how a couple plants like these that were properly managed could turn into a good size patch in later years. Afterwards, it was starting to get late and we still had to walk out so we headed off and I gave him the roots to study over as we went. A few moments later he asked “ How much for these plants ? “ I turned and said “ Uhh, maybe three dollars I guess, could be more but probably not” . “ What! We did all this for three dollars ? “ Noe asked . I laughed and told him that today we did and kept walking . Driving home it was dark now and as I pulled into my gravel drive I switched off the lights and cut the truck off as well. He sat there looking at the two small roots and said “ I don’t see why all this work for this plant. Is it medicine or something? “ I told him the Chinese consider it the best kind, thought it to be a cure all for just about anything and some say it to be especially good for one thing particular. He asked what that was and told him let’s just say if he eat a bite his wife wouldn’t stay mad at him long for being so late…come bedtime. “Really!! It works good for that?” he asked. I told him that’s what I hear anyways. He asked was it really safe to eat so I chewed on a piece to show him it was alright and handed him one. He hopped out of the truck and headed toward his car as he munched on his Ginseng root. As he pulled off I told him that I wanted a FULL report come morning. The next day Noe was a little late rollin in but he arrived before I finished my coffee. He got out of his car with a possum eatin and I said “ Well, let’s hear it” as I stepped off the porch. “ You think you play a funny trick huh!” Noe said. Dumbfounded, I didn’t have a clue what he was talkin about so I asked what did he mean. He replied and this was his words to the letter… “ You told me to eat that plant and I would have a really good time when I got home, so I eat it. I drive five or six miles down the road and have to stop and go to the bushes. I get back in my car to go home but before I get there I have to stop two more times and the second time I didn’t make it to the weeds before it started coming. After I got home I eat something , took a shower, and was thinking maybe now my di** would go straight. I went to bed but had to get up three more times last night to go to the bathroom so even if my di** did go straight I couldn’t do nothing for having to sh** all night!” After a long hard laugh I wiped the tears out of my eyes and caught my breathe to tell him he seen me eat some too and that it never has done that to me. Regardless, to this day he thinks I played a prank on him and doesn’t seem to want to try it again….. Despite how many times I offer, haha. So as far as Ginseng and Viagra goes, I really can’t say… but for ol Noe it sure made a good laxative.