mifflin fur - Thanks
Mt.Goat - Thanks
DaveM - Thanks and that is a very good Idea
bglong - Thanks

That to is a good Idea
R00Tin_Uh_Round - Welcome to the forum - Thanks and you are right I am the one who found that 10 leaf 1 prong that sure was a odd plant also.
bglong - To be completly straight I am afraid to try and say just how old that root is,but from all of my studys and everything that I have learned it is at least 70 years old.It was in one of the toufest areas that I have senged also very hard to get to.
Bird Nerd - Thanks
5prong - Thanks and the curls age seem to be around 70 years old but I am only going by my calculations on this as I believe that it is impossible to know the exact age of a root because of dormant years.
Tnhunter - Thanks and the water proof camera is a excellent idea.
Chieftain - Thanks Man.
Guys I want to let you all now that I believe that the good Lord led me to this root to help me recover from my back surgery this winter and I am saving this to eat right before surgery and after.As I have said before I do use wild Ginseng myself and have alot of confidence in its natural healing ability.If I had not been having this problem with my back and leg I would have planted it in one of my seed beds.
I felt very blessed to find this plant.
Again Thanks Everyone,