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TOPIC: Morel Mushroom Hunting

Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9612

Hey Latt,

Now that is nice.

Hey - I have a small orchard with a couple of apple trees.

They are young though - one is 5 years old and one of my other apple trees that was paired up with it died last year (It was a fuji and could not take the fire blight). So I had to replant a new one this year in it's place (a MacFree - which is supposed to be very fire blight resistant).

Anyway I have a 5 year old and new start apple tree in my orchard.

Does it have to be a old, apple tree, with some dead wood on it or would that work on a live young healthy tree ?

If I do find any more morels next year I will sure know what to do with the spore water. Instead of sending it down the sink (like I did this year) I will pour it around my apple trees.


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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9615

It works best on live apple trees. For some reason Morels are found often around live apple trees.
Good luck,

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9620

TNHunter, I would just guess that most if not all of the areas in your state is done for the most part (morel season). As far as what Latt is telling you 10% or so is correct. One of those people that sits in front of the computer reading instead of getting out there learning. But will tell others how to do things, it's killing me !!! LOL

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9622

It would really be nice if you would post something positive or even an original thought now and then. I have seen you do this to me as well as others before. I have never experienced anyone like you on this forum. It is a shame because I know from reading your post that you are a good outdoorsman and have a lot of knowledge.
It is a shame you choose to make such a statement without even knowing. I am in the woods on a daily basis and post information now an then. You make accusations about being on the computer where you spend far more time on the computer. You know what I am talking about too. You spent hours upon hours on a mushroom forum and insulted many on there as well. Some left the forum due to your comments. I am sure you are a nice fella, so I do not know what makes you post such things.
Please do not bring your negativity to this forum. There are a lot of good people on this ginseng forum. Many are willing to help others and share there knowledge.
I have always stated it's best to take what is stated on the internet carefully.
Besides you are incorrect. 11% of what I state is correct not 10%.

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9627

I have never heard of a the apple tree trick, but one ravine in my buddies timber has been a hotspot for shroomies for many years. I'm not sure if it is coincidence or truth but this particular ravine has a couple apple trees in it...

I think this is going to be the last week for morels here in central illinois. I wound up finding about 30 lbs this year. Needless to say it has been much better than last.

I do have a question though, my dad found a \"Red\" morel, and I was wondering if you prepare these the same way you do normal morels?
I will have to post a pic of it, but it is slightly taller than a basketball and almost as big around.

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9631

Latt & IL Boy,

I have seen youtube vids showing morels around apple trees but they were older trees and had some dead wood on them.

I ran into a old friend a week or two ago at the auto parts store and he said he had been looking for morels but had not found many.

He said when he was a kid they had a old farm and apple trees and he used to collect several morels from their apple orchard each year.

Shroomy - I do think you are right about the morel season being over here in my area. I looked hard weekend before last and in some spots that had lots of other shrooms and some good host trees but found none. I looked again this last weekend where I found that one black morel and found nothing. I have been back to that spot where I found that black 4 times and had high hopes each time but - no luck.

Next year I am going to start looking hard earlier in the season.

I think about the time my peach tree is blooming should be about the right time to find them. Last week in March, First week in April.


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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9632

Check this link out about a guy in Indiana that has Apple, Ash and Elm trees inoculated with morel spores.


Also I am not sure about how big an apple tree has to be to host morels. I know this thou, I have found a lot of morels around Elm trees that are no bigger round than my arm.

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9636

I don't mean to sound like a jerk. But I get tired of people passing on information when they don't REALLY take the time to learn themselves. I am not saying YOU Latt. But alot of the info you passed on I can tell has been from reading.
Things are different in the different parts of the states. What works in one area may not work in another. As far as the live fruit trees, I have seen much bigger flushes under dying, and dead. They pretty much grow anywhere, even under pines which may be a good spot for you to look TNhunter. I have found good flushes in White Pine in a few different states. I don't like to share too much info anymore on open forums since it has gotten very bad in the areas I pick, and gets worse every year. Every little bit of info given takes the edge away from you. It used to be people would wander the woods hoping to find a few morels. Now adays with the use of the internet people go out and hunt target areas. Most of these have been listed already, but some of the trees will produce alot better if alive rather than dying or dead. Also alot of them haven't been mentioned, and are very good producers.
If you are deadset on finding some this year TNhunter. My suggestion would be to hunt the later producing trees mainly, such as Ash and Tulip, but I also wouldn't pass up the others if spotted in route. Hunt the deep hollows on north facing hills. Also in Pine Groves or breaks on the groves since they are shaded more and the ground temps have warmed later and may have yet gotten too warm. Here you may find SOME yellows still edible. I will tell you this though. You are going to find many, many, more spoiled. But will give you an idea of what to look for next year. Pay close attention to the surroundings when you do make a find. Store this in your head, then put all the pieces together to find the common factors.
It's pretty much like hunting Ginseng. Find out what habitat they prefer and you have much of the puzzle solved.
One last thing. If you make a find near a certain type of tree, don't assume that it has fruited the mushrooms. Look around well and try to figure things out.
I hope this helps you a bit TNhunter, and really hope that you do well next season.

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9637

Oh while I am here I will share a few more photos.

I always enjoy the sights in the spring woods.

This small patch of morels were being guarded.

Some nice esculenta.

Some very nice angusticeps.

A good hunt. I could have picked MANY more semilibera (half-free) but left them as I didn't feel like carrying the weight.

I may share more photos and video later.

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Re:Morel Mushroom Hunting 13 years 9 months ago #9734

My buddy and I found some nice ones again this evening. Here is a pic of the first group we found tonight. Ended up with about 3 times this many total this evening.

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