2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Fishing - 2019

Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41920

Hey Chief...

I read one of your post where you mentioned having a green gage plum tree. I looked those up on youtube and there is lots of talk about how good they are.
I saw them when I was considering two new plum trees to order this spring, but to be honest I just did not like that green color...

Instead I ordered a Rosy Gage Plum.... and a Mount Royal plum - these are both European plum trees and bloom much later in the spring, so I should get plums about every year once they start producing. They ripen fruit later too, mid Aug thru early Sept. One ripens about 2 weeks before the other... so that should work out nicely.

I found a youtube vid link above showing the Mount Royal plum... It is a purple plum and the Rosy... of course is Rosy colored.

They have taken off and are growing nicely so far. Can't wait until they start producing.

Check out the vid on that Mount Royal plum... man they sure do look good.

Update on my Peaches... the Early Elberta has 15-20 peaches left on it. I have been eating them fresh, and putting up peach jam like crazy, trying to make use of every one.
My Reliance tree.. they are showing some color now... in another week or two they will be getting ripe.


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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41922

Tn,the fruit on the green gauge does stay green till the last couple weeks before ripening ,then they turn a wonderful gold color.try you one I promise you wont be sorry,of all my fruit trees the green gauge makes the best jelly.....

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41924

Hey Chief...

When does your Green Gage bloom and when are the fruit ripe ?

I know that may be different for me since I am much more southern than you are... but just wondering.



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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41925

on a normal weather year,bloom early april,harvest late july, early aug.

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41927

Thanks Chief... by the end of next year I will know how those European Plums do here in TN.

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41950

Well my garden is doing well this year and I have been spending most saturdays putting up stuff. Have not been fishing in a while...

I picked a Gal of black berries last saturday morning and put those away... and starting to get sweet corn now, and my big beef tomatoes are rolling in now too.

Eating a lot of good fresh stuff, but can't keep up with just that so have to put some of it away, canning, freezing, fermenting, etc..

I have put up 32 pints of pickles.... from only 4 cucumber plants... and they are still going.
6 pints of blackberry jam, and 8 pints of frozen blackberries.
4 pints of peach jam, 6 pints of squash, 5 pints of tomatoes (lots more of those to come).
My second peach tree is ripening fruit now and is loaded.

Love this summer garden stuff.


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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41953

cant beat fresh garden produce...looking good..

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41954

95 degrees here today,sure is toasty out there....

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41955

TN, appears you've been busy, I'm envious of your garden. :)

This is my second summer here in WV. Last year I planted tomatoes, corn, beans (bush) and brussel sprouts (for my wife, I hate them). A raccoon destroyed the corn, I think millipedes ate the BS, the beans did next to nothing and the tomatoes that did grow, died on the vine. I've read that tomatoes don't do well around walnut trees, which in that garden there are a few nearby. I also discovered that the previous owner had planted a whole lot of perennials in that garden and combined with the weeds that grow there, I just couldn't keep up...

This season I decided to plant in a different area and bought a tractor with a tiller attachment. I only managed to get one side of the garden posts in place so I put up temp fencing and just planted beans, corn and five tomato plants. Everything is doing pretty well. I lost some young corn seedlings to rabbits I suspect and they were eating my bean plants until I put chicken wire around them. Since I only managed to fence off a small area, I bought 5 different tomato plants; the cherry tomatoes are producing and the other plants have fruit, I'm waiting for them to ripen. I've harvested beans and just gave some to my neighbors.

The success I'm having this year is heads and shoulders above my experience near the OR coast where we moved from 17 months ago.

I bought two Contender peach trees that are still in pots. Both have fruit but are small and not looking very good. IF I can get the orchard fenced, this fall, hopeful that I can get them planted. Hopeful I can get some plum trees by spring and will look into those that you and Chieftain discussed.

My blueberries look healthy but not fruiting much, hoping their establishing their roots this year. I brought them in pots from OR. I've been getting some raspberries but not enough to get too excited about. I think the birds are beating me to some of them.

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Fishing - 2019 5 years 7 months ago #41956

TN, appears you've been busy, I'm envious of your garden. :)

This is my second summer here in WV. Last year I planted tomatoes, corn, beans (bush) and brussel sprouts (for my wife, I hate them). A raccoon destroyed the corn, I think millipedes ate the BS, the beans did next to nothing and the tomatoes that did grow, died on the vine. I've read that tomatoes don't do well around walnut trees, which in that garden there are a few nearby. I also discovered that the previous owner had planted a whole lot of perennials in that garden and combined with the weeds that grow there, I just couldn't keep up...

This season I decided to plant in a different area and bought a tractor with a tiller attachment. I only managed to get one side of the garden posts in place so I put up temp fencing and just planted beans, corn and five tomato plants. Everything is doing pretty well. I lost some young corn seedlings to rabbits I suspect and they were eating my bean plants until I put chicken wire around them. Since I only managed to fence off a small area, I bought 5 different tomato plants; the cherry tomatoes are producing and the other plants have fruit, I'm waiting for them to ripen. I've harvested beans and just gave some to my neighbors.

The success I'm having this year is heads and shoulders above my experience near the OR coast where we moved from 17 months ago.

I bought two Contender peach trees that are still in pots. Both have fruit but are small and not looking very good. IF I can get the orchard fenced, this fall, hopeful that I can get them planted. Hopeful I can get some plum trees by spring and will look into those that you and Chieftain discussed.

My blueberries look healthy but not fruiting much, hoping their establishing their roots this year. I brought them in pots from OR. I've been getting some raspberries but not enough to get too excited about. I think the birds are beating me to some of them.

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