Hey! Yes, I do plan to start a small operation. You say don't mention location. I won't, but keep in mind that I do live in an area where it will be necessary to set up a video surveillance system to monitor my farm. Luckily, I have the means and knowledge to get that done on the cheap

Last fall, I only planted 2.5 ounces of seed but the result was very assuring. No germination percentage has been calculated just yet, but the seed planted in areas that had enough mulch (I skimped on leaf litter in some spots, blah) really performed well. This year, I plan on planting at least a few pounds of seed, as well as some rootlets, you know, so I have some mature plants to cherish next year

We have tried a few different crops on our land, organic garlic grew very well but this was in the 80s and early 90s before the organic food craze took over. Thus, we had trouble selling it. I wish my grandfather/parents or even I had learned about American Ginseng sooner, but hey, better late than never

The area I have my test-bed in is about two acres in size. It has sugar maples, swamp maple, oak, ash, and tamarack trees.
I think that the top of the hill near the tamarack trees might be a little too dry for ginseng

. However, I believe that if I mulch leaves on another part of my property each fall and cart them to this area for dispersal, the area will support ginseng with no problem.
Here are a few pictures I took in early spring. I cleared this whole area out myself over several years to build an ATV track. After all my friends sold their ATVs I kept it clear of brush. Now I think it is a great spot for seng! What do you all think

Looking straight on, you see a \"dark, shady\" spot devoid of leaf growth, just to the left of that center willow.. This is the trail to my seng patch. The following picture is taken standing at the base of that Willow looking beyond.
I have an electric pool pump set up that is capable of delivering water from this pond to my seng patch.
Looking from the woods border back to the 2 acre space (beyond the rock wall). This was the last area I cleared and still have some logs down.
Again, but standing at rock wall looking at most of the 2 acre lot.
The lowest (and wettest) area of the 2 acre lot, but also one of the brightest.
Turning 90 degrees to the left, I took this shot- you can see the top of the hill where the 2 acre space ends. This is the driest spot, also because of the pines up there.
Finally, looking at my test bed (bad pic, but you can see the fence post there)
I believe we have another half to one acre of good ginseng land scattered about

. I don't have pictures of these sites just yet, but will get some and post them up for opinions.
PS: Whenever you see an image from me, using \"right click > view image\" will always allow you to view the high resolution version.