2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Goldenseal Seed

Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23225

Does anyone know a place to buy goldenseal seed? Does host here sell it as well as seng seed?



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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23226

Try Premier ginseng. I've had good luck with them.

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23227

I do not believe they have any for sale.

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23237

I can't say for 100% either way. I bought some ginseng seed from them years ago, seems like I remember the guy trying to sell me some goldenseal seed over the phone. I know it doesn't show up on their website so you'd have to call and ask.

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23239

Harding Ginseng farm may have goldenseal seed for sale. Just contact him via his website info. I know he stratifies a lot of it and may use it for his own planting. So I am not sure if he would sell goldenseal seed or not.

I do know that goldenseal seed is expensive. Seen it listed for $500 per 1/4 lb which is approximately 7,500 seed per 1/4 lb. Very expensive for sure.

I think most are reluctant to sell goldenseal seed as it can often be difficult to start a patch from seed and they do not want to be selling seed to customers knowing that it may or may not germinate. That is why most start patches from root stock verses seed. Root stock has great germination rates but as everyone knows root stock often cost more per plant than starting a plant from seed.

On the other hand, if seed is hard to germinate, then root stock makes more sense for starting a patch of goldenseal.

This is one of the reasons why I am willing to give the little bit of seed that I have collected away for free. Knowing it may or may not germinate which depends on many factors such as planting techniques, weather conditions, soil, canopy etc. Most importantly I like the thought of new goldenseal patches growing in multiple states from seeds that I give away. Wish I had more to offer on this subject. Good luck fellas.

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23291


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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23301

Tally so far as of 8/1/13 per state getting some seeds.
NY - 3
NC - 2
WV - 2
TN - 2
KY - 3
Mo - 1
IN - 1
Iowa - 1

15 total individuals in 8 different states. Seeds will be divided equally and sent out in the next couple days. Pulp is fermented off the Goldenseal seeds now and I will be washing the seeds this evening. Fresh Goldenseal seeds have a bit of an odor to them. So if you notice this remember they are not rotten. They do need to go in the ground immediately in my opinion and be covered with 1-inch of soil to keep them from drying out. Then rake leaf litter back on top of the spot planted. Water in if possible. I will post some pics of the seed prior to shipment. I will get to see this evening how much seed I ended up with once I rinse off all the fermented pulp.
Good luck all,

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23325

Well all the seeds were cleaned for the last time this afternoon and divided up. Ended up with approximately 7 oz. Divided them up into 15 equal piles and will be sending them off Monday morning. Each of the 15 folks that are receiving the seeds will be getting between 700 and 800 seeds.

Thanks everyone that asked for seed as well as to everyone that read this post and those who commented. Thanks a million to my girlfriend for helping me pick the berries, She also helped sort the seeds, took pictures and wrote my return address on the packages we sent out containing the seed. I write like a doctor but am only half a smart as one on a good day. lol

I hope those that receive the seed can get them planted within the first week. Plant them like I stated before \"TNhunter rake and scatter method\". Seeds that dry out will not germinate.

Anyone not able to plant until this fall should put the seeds in some clean moist coarse sand in a burlap bag or even in a sock, and bury them a foot deep for storage. Then dig them up in the fall and plant them. You could even leave them in the sand bag until the fall of 2014 which they would then be classified as stratified. Then plant them \"TNhunter rake and scatter method\"in the fall of 2014.
Either way these seeds will most likely sprout until April/May 2015. Yes 2015. Goldenseal seeds just like ginseng seeds need 18 to 20 months in the ground before they germinate. Sometimes Goldenseal may sprout the following spring but the majority of it will take an extra year.

Here are a few pics below. Good luck fellas.

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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23326


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Re:Goldenseal Seed 11 years 6 months ago #23327


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