2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild

Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35514

what confuses me is if i find a wild growing plant then plant the berries are they not then wild simulated i mean if they are planted in any way different then just falling off the plant onto the ground doesnt that then make them wild sim and if thats the case then after hundereds of years of havesting and seed planting then who,s to say that all remaining ginsengs not wild sim and that truely wild ginsengs not already extinct.just a thought guys

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35515


There is really no difference in wild and wild simulated because you are simulating what grows wild. If you harvest in about 10 years the roots are no different.
Anything else falls into woodsgrown or cultivated.

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35517

5prong wrote:

jimsenger66 wrote:

I'm pretty sure once the soil is tilled in Ohio it is considered cultivated. So the woodsgrown by Ohio definition fits into cultivated being it isn't by any definition wild and we only have two classifications. I believe that should make it legal to harvest and sell rootlets (interstate) from tilled beds as well as harvesting seeds to sell or plant where one desires and not be stuck with planting the seeds \"near\" the mother plant like we have to with our planted wild simulated.


Jimsenger, I want to preface this by saying that I am not an attorney nor any other kind of legal expert, but it is my understanding that you ONLY have to plant seeds or berries by the \"mother\" plant IF you harvest said mother plant. If you do not dig the mother plant then you are free to plant the berries or seed wherever you choose....
The only mention of planting seeds that I am aware of in Ohio laws is about the seeds from plants that are harvested....

5prong: Thanks. I feel you are right on that if it isn't harvested it don't matter about the seeds. Reading the law over I see it does only mention \"harvesting\", and \"collecting\". So that's really good news for a grower meaning it lets me plant in completely different areas of my woods or even another woods.

\"1501:31-40-03 Reseeding plants.

No person harvesting wild ginseng shall fail to immediately replant the seeds at the place where the plants where collected, provided such seeds are present.\"

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35518

As for the poll and my opinion of the definitions, I will just go along with what the state says since they are my determining factor on how I will treat my plants and sell my roots. I am all natural, (except two 5x10' areas for rootlets that I still only added bonemeal) so there will be no other suppliments added. Wild-sim and wild from dropped/missed/mice stashed seeds will be my majority.

So it's wild to include wild sim, and cultivated to include woodsgrown.

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35520

Good to see the responses here... thanks folks.

I would add that when i read \"cultivated\" I think of artificial shade-grown plants. Like not necissarily even grown in the woods... under erected shade platforms and with the chem-soup soil to enhance growth.

The shapes and appearances of woods-grown roots are very close to wild root appearances, or can be made to look that way once the drying process is implimented. However, that is a whole 'nother topic.

As growers, following the state laws as to types and appearances and plantings is good to do; the caveat there is that many states do not have specific catagorys and in many instances seem to have remedial statements about our favorite herb.

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35572

I agree with you BCastle

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35730

5prong wrote:

Now to answer the question of this thread...

Wild ginseng = ginseng that for all perceivable purposes is naturally occurring and shows no sign of human intervention.

Wild simulated = ginseng that
has been planted by human hands, but otherwise is left to fend for itself in the wild.

Woodsgrown = ginseng that is planted in a woodland environmen, but is helped along the way... I believe that this category covers a widwide
area and yields quite a variety of different quality Of roots, from some that are pretty much indistinguishable from wild ginseng to roots that look very much like cultivated ginseng based on the methods used... Fungicides, fertilizer fertilizers, planted in tilled soil, etc...

Cultivated = ginseng that is planted in tilled soil, and is typically grown under shade cloth and heavy use of fungicides is typically used.

No matter how you slice it up there are typically some overlaps....
Those overlaps by my definition are typically lumed into the Woodsgrown category

.................X2, especially the last sentence!

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Re:Poll: on the definitions of woods-grown, wild-sim and wild 9 years 7 months ago #35732

Economically: Has perfectly wild looking characteristics.
Reality: Nobody planted it got there by itself. No human help at all.

Wild sim
Economically: Probably has wild looking characteristics.
Reality: Different people have different ideas of \"intervention\" root quality varies from cultivated to wild.

Woods grown
Economically: Might have wild looking characteristics.
Reality: Probably more wild looking than cultivated due to the natural soil conditions. Woods grown may look
more wild.

Economically: White carrots.
Reality: White carrots.

Personally I think there should be a method between wild and wild sim. I think people have purposed things like \"Virtually wild\" or \"Essentially wild\" where you plant the seed in a natural way and then leave it to it's own devices come what may. Lets face it people see wild sim different these days. Some people spray pesticides, or weed their wild sim beds. I mean how close to wild is that really? My wild sim, I plant it in the woods and walk away, beyond coming by and checking on how the beds are doing there isn't much else that I do. To me that's wild sim!

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