2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Ginseng berry planting

Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36382

Well.... here in south eastern Ohio I've been getting a few ripe berries from my wild sim plants..,
Just been poking them in the ground nearby... The native plants look for the most part to be at least 2 to 3 weeks away from now before starting to ripen.
And yes, I had a few berry pods that were FULL of wild berries just turn up empty... Not really sutr what got them but doesn't really look like it was done by deer or turkeys...

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Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36383


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Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36389


I had some critter wipe out my seed producing bed berries that first fall.

It stripped each berry pod clean and down near the stem on the ground there were little piles of berry husk chips.

I figure it was something like a field mouse or possibly chip munk.

It did not damage any of the stems or leaves, just picked the berries and ate them right there underneath the plant.

I have a couple of drainage pipes in place now, about 2' long, with a pile of rat poison in them. That does the job.

When my berries first start filling out, I put the poison out.

If I wait until a few start turning red... what ever this is will eat the red and green ones, and they get gone quick too.

I had 44 nice berry pods one Friday evening, with just a few red berries on, and the next weekend (when I checked them again expecting to harvest a few)... every berry was gone, eaten.

Good Luck


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Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36394

TN.... I'm not really sure what got them, but the only thing on the ground was one lone (yet fully intact) ripe berry. Perhaps it was some type of small rodent, but if so he must have packed them off elsewhere to eat.... :/

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Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36395

Maya, its been my experience that once a plant starts producing berries they are most likely viable even the first year, I know that some of the early years some wild simulated plants will have what I have called false flower heads, the plants look like they are going to bear seed but they ultimately dont produce any seed.

5prong, I have about 500 seed from last year that I have been stratifying on my counter top in a bowl, no sand or anything,just in a bowl sitting on a counter, I just keep them moist by watering weekly,well last month an interesting thing happened, I was away from home for about a week and when I returned I discovered that a mouse had found my seed,about 25 seed were cracked and eaten but there were less than fifty left in the bowl. I assumed that the other 400 seed were eaten as well but I was not able to locate the rest of the seed casings, 2 days later I was going out to the woods and I started to put on my pair of army boots, as I was putting the second one on I felt something inside the boot that felt like a pile of dirt, I pulled my foot out and dump the boot and found about 400 ginseng seed, so maybe mice will plant
a lot more ginseng seed than they eat.

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Re:Ginseng berry planting 9 years 6 months ago #36396

5 prong...2 years ago I had a chipmunk infestation around the house here [iam surrounded by woods] so I set some rat traps.about the 5 th one I caught had both mouth pouches full of seng seeds from a small patch of seng about 1000 yards from my house....

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