2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Beware Of The Black-legged Ticks

Re:Beware Of The Black-legged Ticks 9 years 2 months ago #37871

Bulldog wrote:

I've had three tiny black deer ticks that have got through my defenses and burrowed in this year. Despite a shower after being in the woods and mirror inspection, tight control of my clothes, trash bag until laundry. On three occasions the next morning I have had attached ticks. Not surprising as I'm brushing off 10 or 20 or more when I exit the woods. I'm starting to try and find where they hide when I'm taking a shower lol. I check my armpits and back crack, groin etc, I'm bald so no hiding there. They seem to love burrowing in my love handle and moobs.

Little buggers - sure I'm going to end up with Lyme's.

My family doctor said their used to be a Lyme's disease vaccine for humans, but it was taken off the market years ago because it wasn't profitable, not enough people took it, and there were too many people trying to blame and filing suit after falling ill sometime post vaccination. Apparently the market is better and less risky for pharma with the dog vaccine.



They are little tricksters for sure. Try the permethrin on your boots and pants and a shirt that you use only for the woods excursions. Gotta tuck the pants in the boots though. I have seen zero ticks since doing so. I had one one a nontreated shirt last week and have since went to only treated clothing in the woods. I wouldn't lose sleep fretting lymes. The percentage carrying is different in different locales. PA is worst. It is sad that the dollar is the driving force to our health but it is what it is. I consider taking precautions my obamacare. Maybe no fine/tax/fee/theft from IRS this year!?

With pet meds there is no USDA to oversee so they can acutally sell what works.

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