2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: back digging again

back digging again 11 years 5 months ago #23786

It's been 2 yrs now since I dug cohosh. I do when I'm at my mom's visiting waiting to go back to work. I made $1,600 that winter. then I figured it at $3 hr then. so far I dug for 10 hrs, cut for 2 hrs and washed for 1 hr. I used 30 gal.s of water for about $0.83. green it weighted 22 lbs. at $1.00 lb that would have been $22. it dried to 8 lbs at $4 lb that's $32. it took 3 cloudy days. I built racks with 1/2\" by 1\" strips. used 4 of them one on each side and one in the middle. the fourth one I cut in half and made the top and bottom cross pieces. I then used a roll of screen( dark plastic 36\" wide want work,not wide enough.) with tacks to nail them on the strips. also roll the screen around the strips for better hold before you tack them on the side pieces.i set them on up turned blocks off the ground. I set on the porch and listen to the radio and cut the roots up with chicken shears, only $5. in pieces about as big as my thumb. then I use three buckets of water. I put a load in shake it around then move it to the next one and then the third. then start another one and when all three are full I put the third on the drying racks and move them like that and the first I empty, refill and make it the third and move them that way. keep the water changed to make the roots clean. I cover the racks with cheap plastic from the dollar store if it even looks like it might rain. take them up and bag them at dark. I was taught that if the dew falls on them they will mold. I hope this helps someone like I was when I first started, not knowing what to do. if you want to ask me a question feel free if I can answer I will if not maybe someone else on here might.

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Re:back digging again 11 years 4 months ago #25629

new to this site and diggi cohosh. I guess what attracted me to it is size of root. You must do fairly well with it hence your user name. I figure worth a try u know. Y not? Just more time in woods plus more knowledge of our herbs that r n our forrests. About what price is good to get 4 it and when is best time to sell?

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Re:back digging again 11 years 3 months ago #25656

last time a couple years ago I was getting $2.50 dry and $0.75 green. now it's $4 lb dry and $1.00 green. I average $4 an hour pay from it. I go dig about 4-5 hrs. about 15 lbs green and make $20 a day if I dry. It's best to sell as soon as you can. I had some mold on me once and had to wash it with water and bleach. my feed bags hold 20 lbs so I get $80. I have my bags marked 1st(for first day,2nd and 3rd,it's good and dry after 3rd day. I have tried to describe what I know and do as best as I can. another reason I like cohoshing it's a year around thing. and you can spot sang and come back to it when It's time for it. some good advice if your going to dig after the plant dies, walk around and put a piece of toilet paper on a limb above patches. it lasts through rain storms. the stalks last all year after the plant dies, it leaves what are called chicken bones. you'll see why when they die. makes the root findable. I hold on to the dead stem with one hand and use the other to locate the root.

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Re:back digging again 11 years 3 months ago #25675

thanx 4 info bro. Gonna giv a try. Best of luck 2 u. By the way who buys around east tn?

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Re:back digging again 11 years 3 months ago #25688

I'm up in the Mt's of VA. Abingdon and Coeburn are the only places I know. call ginseng buyers and ask them. a lot of them also buy other stuff or know who does.

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